School's Out Tournament 2018

The School's Out Tournament will be played May 31st - June 3rd. 
Registration will be opening soon. Please start working on your teams now. 
If you are interested in umpiring, please contact TK.

Online Registration and Payment: You also have the option of paying by cash or check through the Church office or TK. $200 per team for 9th grade and older, while teams 8th grade and younger, it’s $20 per player. If your team contains a mix of 8th gr and younger and 9th gr and older, please register as a team. (
Teams must register as teams. Individual player payment will not be accepted.) Your team will not be scheduled until registration and payment have been completed. Registration is now open and will remain open until Sept 1st. Schedules will be available no later than Sept 4th.

Registration is a 2 Step Process. Please be sure to complete both steps. 

The Annunciation Wiffle Ball tournaments are open to all ages and is not limited to the Annunciation Community. You play a minimum of 2 games. Bragging rights are at well as a picture with the traveling trophy. No fastballs are allowed. Junk can be served on a platter. Sliding is allowed, bunting is not, and no infield fly rule either. Trees are always out of play resulting in a dead ball. There is a home run fence, score board and lights for when the sun goes down. Balls, bats and volunteer umpires are provided.

Sportsmanship is always the top priority! Absolutely, no arguing balls, strikes or any umpire calls.

No refunds.

No rain outs.
Let’s have some fun and.....
Let’s Play Ball!

For questions, please contact:

***Please remember - everybody that plays and watches does so at their own risk and assumes their own liability. Wiffle Ball can be inherently dangerous and anyone who plays or watches assumes their own risk and will hold everyone and everything else harmless.

2018 Tournament Schedule:
  • The SeptemberFest Tournament will be held over 2 weekends: 
    • Wed - Sun 
    • 9/5/18 - 9/9/18 
    • 9/12/18 - 9/16/18.
  • The Homerun Derby is Friday, September 14th, 2018 at 7:00

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